
Ulrich Norbisrath

University of Tartu

Tutorial title: Putting the S back into IoT - Tutorial on Sensor and Actor Systems in Small Portable Ad-Hoc Networks


 This tutorial introduces participants to the fundamentals and advanced concepts of integrating sensor and actor systems within the Internet of Things (IoT) through hands-on experience with small, portable ad-hoc networks. We will learn to create and manage our own IoT networks by utilizing several ESP32 and ESP8266-based devices connected to various actors and sensors alongside easily configurable IoT edge network set-ups. Using Node-RED for data flow and event-based integration, we will orchestrate the systems. Simple dashboard and database connectivity options in Node-RED will help us build IoT applications and workflows without the complexity of traditional programming environments.

Giselle van Dongen


Tutorial title: Durable Execution with Restate


 Developing applications in a microservice architecture is hard. For all the benefits that it brings over monolithic application architectures, they expose developers to all sorts of tough distributed systems problems, making it non-trivial to build applications that are consistent, scalable, and resilient. In this session, we explain what Durable Execution is and how it solves these issues. We share ideas from Restate, a Durable Execution Engine that manages crucial aspects like reliable messaging, durable timers, fail-over and consistent state. Restate implements low-latency durable execution with a partitioned command log. The runtime pushes invocations to services and functions, journals the execution, and handles retries and fail-over. In this tutorial, we'll implement an event-driven application with Restate to give you a practical understanding of Durable Execution and how it works.

Steffen Zeuch

TU Berlin

Tutorial title: NebulaStream: Data Management for the Internet of Things


 Soon, there will be more data produced outside the cloud than inside. This requires new systems that can holistically optimize the processing for so-called sensor-fog-cloud environments. In this tutorial, we present NebulaStream, the first system designed for this environment. We will highlight research challenges, outline system internals, and provide hands-on experiences to the attendees to enable future researches to use NebulaStream as a framework to  try out their own ideas and benefit from its unique features.

Important Dates

Events Dates (AoE)
Research Papers
Abstract Submission February 16th, 2024 February 23rd, 2024
Paper Submission February 22nd, 2024 March 4th, 2024
Notification April 12th, 2024
Final Decision May 13th, 2024
Camera Ready May 24th, 2024
Submission Dates
Industry and Application Paper Submission March 25th, 2024 April 5th, 2024
Doctoral Symposium Submission May 27th, 2024
Poster and Demo Paper Submission May 8th, 2024 May 21st, 2024
Notification Dates
Author Notification Industry and Application Track April 27th, 2024 May 5th, 2024
Author Notification Doctoral Symposium June 3rd, 2024
Author Notification Poster & Demo May 22nd, 2024 June 3rd, 2024
Camera Ready
Camera Ready for Industry and Application Track May 24th, 2024
Camera Ready for Doctoral Symposium June 10th, 2024
Camera Ready for Poster & Demo May 29th, 2024 June 10th, 2024
Conference June 25th–28th 2024