Program Schedule

All times are in Central Europe Summer Time (CEST)

For all room location, have a look at the floor plan.

Tue, 25 June Wed, 26 June Thu, 27 June Fri, 28 June
8:00 Registration Registration Registration
8:45 Opening (Amphi Émilie du Châtelet) Opening (Amphi Émilie du Châtelet)
9:00 Registration Keynote 2: Tyler Akidau Keynote 3: Evangelia Kalyvianaki
9:15 Keynote 1: Volker Markl (Amphi Émilie du Châtelet)
10:00 Coffee Break Coffee Break
10:15 Coffee Break
10:30 Tutorial 1: IoT Part 1 (Room 201) Session - Systems II Tutorials (Restate + NebulaStream Part 1)
10:45 Session - Systems I (+ PhD Symp) (Amphi Émilie du Châtelet)
12:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
13:30 Tutorial 1: IoT Part 2 (Room 201) Session - Benchmarking Session - Potpourri Tutorial NebulaStream Part 2
15:00 Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break
15:30 Sponsor Talk (Snowflake) (Amphi Émilie du Châtelet) Grand Challenge (Amphi Émilie du Châtelet) Test of Time Award
16:00 Poster and Demos 1 (Room 203)
16:30 Poster and Demos 2 (Room 203) Social event - Escape Game @ Lyon
17:30 Reception (Room 203)
20:00 Gala Dinner
Tuesday, 25 June 2024
Begin-End Subject
09:00-10:30 Registration
10:30-12:00 Tutorial 1 (Part 1)
  • Putting the S back into IoT - Tutorial on Sensor and Actor Systems in Small Portable Ad-Hoc Networks
    Ulrich Norbisrath (University of Tartu, Estonia)
    more information
12:00-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:00 Tutorial 1 (Part 2)
  • Putting the S back into IoT - Tutorial on Sensor and Actor Systems in Small Portable Ad-Hoc Networks
    Ulrich Norbisrath (University of Tartu, Estonia)
    more information
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-16:00 Sponsor Talk
(Session chair: Riccardo Tommasini)
  • What's the Difference? Incremental Processing with Change Queries in Snowflake
    Tyler Akidau, Paul Barbier, Istvan Cseri, Fabian Hueske, Tyler Jones, Sasha Lionheart, Daniel Mills, Dzmitry Pauliukevich, Lukas Probst, Niklas Semmler, Dan Sotolongo and Boyuan Zhang
16:00-17:30 Posters & Demos 1
17:00-19:00 Reception
Wednesday, 26 June 2024
Begin-End Subject
08:00-09:00 Registration
08:45-9:15 Opening
09:15-10:15 Keynote 1
(Session chair: Tilmann Rabl)
  • NebulaStream – Data Stream Processing in Massively Distributed Heterogeneous Environments
    Volker Markl (Technical University of Berlin, Germany)
    more information
10:15-10:45 Coffee Break
10:45-12:00 Session: Systems I (+ PhD Symp)
(Session chair: Fabian Hueske)
  • AquaLang: A Dataflow Programming Language (research paper)
    Klas Segeljakt, Seif Haridi, Paris Carbone
  • StreamBed: Capacity Planning for Stream Processing (research paper)
    Guillaume Rosinosky (), (IMT Atlantique), Donatien Schmitz (), (UCLouvain), Etienne Rivière (), (UCLouvain)
  • Color-based Lightweight Utility-aware Load Shedding for Real-Time Video Analytics at the Edge (research paper)
    Harshit Gupta, Enrique Saurez, Henriette Röger, Sukanya Bhowmik, Umakishore Ramachandran, Kurt Rothermel
  • Towards FAIR Data Stream Processing Ecosystems (PhD Symp)
    Liam Tirpitz (RWTH Aachen University)
12:00-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:00 Session: Benchmarking
(Session chair: Guillaume Rosinosky)
  • An Evaluation of Software Sketches (research paper)
    Roy Friedman
  • Evaluating Stream Processing Autoscalers (research paper)
    George Siachamis, Kyriakos Psarakis, George Christodoulou, Marios Fragkoulis, Arie van Deursen, Asterios Katsifodimos
  • Job Scheduling for HPC Clusters: Constraint Programming vs. Backfilling Approaches (industry paper)
    Alexander Goponenko, Kenneth Lamar, Benjamin Allan, James Brandt, Damian Dechev
  • A Comprehensive Benchmarking Analysis of Fault Recovery in Stream Processing Frameworks (industry paper)
    Adriano Vogel, Sören Henning, Esteban Perez-Wohlfeil, Otmar Ertl, Rick Rabiser
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-16:30 Grand Challenge
(Session chair: Alessandro Margara)
  • Blazing through Hard Drive Telemetry Data Streams with Parallel Processing
    Emanuel Onica, Iulia Iustina Sarbu and Ciprian Amariei
  • The DEBS 2024 Grand Challenge: Telemetry Data for Hard Drive Failure Prediction
    Luca De Martini, Jawad Tahir, Christoph Doblander, Sebastian Frischbier and Alessandro Margara
16:30-17:30 Posters & Demos 2
Thursday, 27 June 2024
Begin-End Subject
08:00-08:45 Registration
08:45-09:00 Opening
09:00-10:00 Keynote 2
(Session chair: Avrilia Floratou)
  • Simplicity and Elegance in Stream Processing: A Five Year Odyssey
    Tyler Akidau (Snowflake Inc., USA)
    more information
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-12:00 Session: Systems II
(Session chair: Seif Haridi)
  • Safe Shared State in Dataflow Systems (research paper)
    Luca De Martini, Alessandro Margara
  • TREAT - Two wRongs makE A righT: efficient distributed storage and queries of IoT datasets with erasure coding and compression (industry paper)
    Francesco Taurone, Marcell Fehér, Márton Sipos, Daniel Enrique Lucani Rötter
  • FEO: Efficient Resource Allocation for FaaS at the Edge (research paper)
    Anirudh Sarma, Jinsun Yoo, Jithin Kallukalam Sojan, Umakishore Ramachandran, Myungjin Lee
  • µWheel: Aggregate Management for Streams and Queries (research paper)
    Max Meldrum, Paris Carbone
12:00-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:00 Session: Potpourri
(Session chair: Sabri Skhiri)
  • Challenger 2.0: A Step Towards Automatic Deployments and Resilient Solutions for the DEBS Grand Challenge (research paper)
    Jawad Tahir, Chiheb Baili, Matej Svaral, Johannes Friedlen, Christoph Doblander, Hans-Arno Jacobsen
  • Applying ServiceMeshes to In-Car Architectures: The CARISMA Approach (industry paper)
    Kevin Klein, Pascal Hirmer, Alexander Walz, Steffen Becker
  • Last Night in Sweden: A Vision for Resource-Intelligent Stream Reasoning (research paper)
    Daniel de Leng, Pieter Bonte
  • Aggregates are all you need (to bridge stream processing and Complex Event Recognition) (research paper)
    Vincenzo Gulisano, Alessandro Margara
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-16:30 Test of Time Award Ceremony
(Session chair: Boris Koldehofe)
16:30-18:30 Social event - Escape Game @ Lyon
  • Escape Game @ Lyon: We invite you to explore Lyon and participate in an escape game before the gala dinner. Details of the game will be explained during the opening session. Join a team, take selfies, and follow the map provided to capture interesting points in Lyon. Share your selfies in an album with us at the conference. You will need a group selfie with:
    1. A statue
    2. A church
    3. A Roman monument
    4. A river
    5. An animal
    6. Something Lyonese (a bouchon, a trabule, a cushion, a praline...)
20:00 Gala Dinner
Friday, 28 June 2024
Begin-End Subject
08:00-09:00 Registration
09:00-10:00 Keynote 3
(Session chair: Angela Bonifati)
  • Distributed scheduling in modern data centers: to optimize or not?
    Evangelia Kalyvianaki (University of Cambridge, UK)
    more information
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-12:00 Tutorial 2 (full) & 3 (Part 1)
  • Durable Execution with Restate
    Giselle van Dongen (Restate)
    more information
  • NebulaStream: Data Management for the Internet of Things
    Steffen Zeuch (TU Berlin, Germany)
    more information
12:00-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:00 Tutorial 3 (Part 2)
  • NebulaStream: Data Management for the Internet of Things
    Steffen Zeuch (TU Berlin, Germany)
    more information